Port Adventure has been around for about 20 years and there has been some ups and downs with one developer after another. Now, there is no longer the presence of a developer and the neighborhood is taking a huge step forward to make sure the area maintains and improves with many years to come. We have seen a HUGE new building phase over the last few years and look forward to even more. With our location being one of the bset on the lake, we are also one fo the friendliest areas you could possibly want to own your piece of paradise.
We all enjoy central water and sewer systems and there is no need to install well and septic, SHECO is the electrip co-op and you will never have a hard time getting through to them, we also have windstream phone and DSL service throughout.
Many of the proeprties in the past have been sold for 10's of thousands of dolalrs and then they dropped for a while and finally over the past 5-7 years we have seen a steady increase in value and the desire of those to own.
We invite you out to see what makes us stand apart from the rest. Schools are great, Taxes are very very low and our maintenance fee is only 15.00 for your first lot. Of course, this includes all your central trash services and road maintenance. We also set aside funds for community events and more. What are you waiting for? Find your own piece of serenity and make sure we know you are here. See you soon !
To many people a property owners or home owners assoc is a reason not to live in a subdivision. In recent years it has become harder and harder to find an area that has services and amenities for everyone. Of course, the POA charges a minimal fee to maintain trash removal and road maintenace, they are also in place to protect the values of your home and make sure that there are no legal issues within a neighborhood. Some may think there is a negative influence with these associations, and this is not the case as everyone in Port Adventure is wanting the same result. A Safe and Exciting place to live or visit.