Potters Park

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Ride to East Lansing for Work

Hello, my name is Hugh Crosmun.  I start work at a new job next week on Wednesday 9/26 and am trying to find a ride.  I live in Delta Township.  I am going to work at the IBM Delivery... more
Started: September 21st 2012Replies: 0

No Pit Bull Ordinance

I had inquired in an earlier post if there was an ordinance against pit bulls in Wyandotte. One person thought there was, others didin't know, so I wrote the mayor. He responded to me that there is NO... more
Started: March 16th 2004Replies: 27

old Stores of W&.

Do you remember all the little mom and pop stores that use to be in the city, You had Kales market on eureka between 15th and 16th and around the corner from them was Joe Deere's party store, Old joe... more
Started: January 28th 2004Replies: 70

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Why Is My Basement Damp?
Leak_th Why Is My Basement Damp? The source of your problem could be a water leak or high humidity. Both can lead to mold, mildew, or other biological growth. Depending on the severity, conditions can lead...

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$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...
Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Sadthumb Behind every new foreclosure is a desperate family willing to do anything to save their home. And as foreclosures continue to mount across the U.S., so do the number of con artists trying to take advantage of...
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