Thanks to all of you, the Washington Park East Historic District Garden Tour was a great success-both in terms of the $2,500 raised and in terms of good will generated. Our special thanks to our gardeners who had their gardens in great shape despite the drought, and to our hosts and hostesses who welcomed people to the gardens during the tour. The Model T Club is anxious to come back again next year. Let's plan on an early July tour in 2003.
This next decision has been more difficult to make. The Planning Office of the City of Denver has advised us that they no longer encourage large historic districts. The City has told us they do not have adequate staff to administer the additional design review necessary for large new historic districts. We have listened to what they have said and we regret the changes we have had to make. Our original study area included over 1,400 structures, the second study over 650. As a result of the City's direction, and following the Landmark Application Guidelines for justification, the boundaries of the district to be proposed will be E. Mississippi on the north, E. Louisiana on the south and S. Franklin on the west to the alley between S. Race and S. Vine on the east, for a total of approximately 160 structures.
This does not mean that the homes in the 700-1000 blocks are not worthy of designation. Indeed, they are worthy. A great deal of architectural integrity is evident in this northern area. With the study that has already been done, it should not be difficult for additional small districts to apply for historic designation in the future. Curtis Park has used this model successfully over time to create a series of small historic districts within the framework of the larger neighborhood. There is no reason that we cannot do the same thing for Washington Park East. Progress & Preservation . . . Together will support and encourage initiatives to do this. But for now we must go forward with one small district. Therefore, Progress & Preservation . . . Together will be submitting an application to the Landmark Preservation Commission for the Washington Park Place Historic District which is the name of the original subdivision in the south end of East Washington Park.
We hope that you all wish us well in this smaller but important endeavor.
Very truly yours,
Progress & Preservation . . . Together
Lynn O'Neil
Barbara Z. Blumenthal
Peter Bonaker
cc: City Councilman Charlie Brown
Ms. Kathleen Brooker, Historic Denver