Progress & Preservation...Together

Reconnaissance Survey Results

As presented at the Wash Park East N.A. meeting 11/15

Kris Christianson from Historic Denver presented the results of the Reconnaissance Historic Survey in Wash Park East.

There was a state historic fund grant of $10,000 and another grant for $2,000 from the Rocky Mountain News.

First the survey set the boundaries of the area to be researched. They looked at pre-1940's structures. The area needed to be a contiguous area, close to the park. The grant money could only survey 1,500 structures. The national historic register requires structures to be 50 years or older, so that was used as criteria in this survey.

The criteria that was used by the surveyors:
- must be 50 years or older
- must have historic significance
- must be the site of significant historic events
- historical structures - a particular style
- historic people associated with the area

Research questions were also formed for the survey.

They looked for the area with the highest density of integrity of the historic elements. While there has been much change, the survey found that there was enough historic integrity in Wash Park East.

Then the survey determined if there was an area for an intensive survey, which is the next step and is expensive. They are looking for a manageable contiguous area. A potential district was determined. We are now waiting for a grant from the state historic fund to perform the intensive survey. There are also two alternative boundaries proposed.

The next step after receiving a new grant, is to have the Landmark application review committee review the research. They will then give guidance for the intensive survey. Once again, since the Landmark Preservation Commission has not reviewed the potential area for study, the suggested area is still only potential.

When Denver Parks heard about the historic designation work in Wash Park East, they asked for the landscape to be reviewed for historic preservation. Right now there is no historic protection for Wash Park's landscape. Thus, Wash Park has been included in the area for the intensive survey, as requested by the Denver Parks department.

Presently only the bathhouse, Smith's ditch, the boathouse and Eugene Field's house are protected as registered historic locations.

The next step will also be to make sure that the neighbors also want this to be an historic district. Baker worked three years to obtain their historic designation and Alamo Placita was about two years in the process to obtain historic designation.

Questions asked by the audience

Answers given by Kris Christianson from Historic Denver Inc.

Some neighbors in Baker had hard feelings that they were not well notified - how will WPE overcome this? Historic Denver is recommending a direct mail piece to all property owners, so that they are aware of the historic designation process. When the application is filed, the city also does a mailing to all property owners that there is a public hearing at the Landmark Commission.

Can you scrape off a house in an historic district? This depends on if the structure is a contributing historic structure. The Landmark Commission can deny the scrape-off. In general, they work to protect the integrity of the character of the neighborhood.

Why is it important to become an historic district? It is important because it is valuable and builds community pride and stewardship into the structural environment. There are people who specifically look for a historic neighborhood when they are buying. It protects property values during economic downturns.

Why is South High not in this district? Denver Public Schools has its own program to seek preservation of all historic schools.

Are there some reasons not to be in an historic district? If there is a better land use, then they would recommend otherwise.

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