Progress & Preservation...Together

Historic Denver Hosts Neighborhood Meeting

Apr 12, 2000

April 5, neighbors gathered together for a special neighborhood meeting presented by Historic Denver, Inc. Over one hundred people attended. They heard from a panel of experts that included Kathleen Brooker, President of Historic Denver, Inc; Tom Simmons, a principal with Front Range Research Associates, Inc.; Elizabeth Wheeler, an associate of Front Range Research Associates; Annette Couch, volunteer from Progress & Preservation . . . Together; Scott Moore, architect and volunteer from Progress & Preservation . . . Together.

Kathleen Brooker started the program. Historic Denver, Inc. is a not for profit ?“citizen organization whose purpose is to preserve Denver?’s significant historic fabric, its distinctive architecture and its cultural landscapes which are tangible reflections of our heritage and the foundation of our quality of life?”. Kathleen Brooker stated East Wash Park has both a strong architectural and a strong historical character. That it is one of the original streetcar neighborhoods whose quality of life has always centered around its park. Washington Park has been and continues to be one of the City?’s most significant areas.

Ms. Brooker shared Historic Denver?’s concern that the City was losing one of it?’s most historically significant neighborhoods ?– East Washington Park -due to development pressures. Because of this concern Historic Denver applied for and received a grant from the Colorado State Historical Fund to conduct an historic buildings study of our neighborhood. The results of this study will determine whether or not a portion of East Washington Park is worthy of designation as an historic district. Historic Denver was awarded $10,000 to determine the historic significance of East Wash Park?’s businesses, homes, schools and churches. Historic Denver hired Front Range Research Associates, Inc. to conduct the study. At this point, Ms. Brooker introduced Tom Simmons from Front Range Research.

Mr. Simmons stated the study is in progress and will take about six months. The first phase of the study is to do library research. Denver Assessor information was acquired and summarized by block within the neighborhood to determine the boundaries of the survey. Given this information, a survey area lying between Virginia to the north and Louisiana to the south; between Franklin to the west and the alley between York and University to the east was selected. Mr. Simmons had a map that detailed this area. He also showed slides of the historic resources within the neighborhood.

The next phase of the study is to photograph each structure within the selected area. This then provides a snapshot in time of what the area looked like in the year 2000. The photography was completed just this week. Also in the second phase, oral histories are taken from residents. One of Front Range Research?’s associates, Elizabeth Wheeler has been conducting these histories. Ms. Wheeler shared just a little of what she has been learning from long time residents. For example, did you know there once were five grocery stores/meat markets on Old South Gaylord? Do you remember when City Ditch continued down South Marion? Did you know the no longer existing Park Lane Hotel was one of the City?’s entertainment hot spots? Or did you ever have dinner at Top of the Park? What about Mrs. Andersen?’s Variety Shop? These are just a few examples of our rich heritage that Ms. Wheeler shared.

Next on the program was Annette Couch. She began by reviewing how initial meetings this summer with herself and Terry Andrews has now grown to become a group - Progress & Preservation . . . Together. Annette shared that the $10,000 grant has a $3,300 match that must be raised. Therefore donations are VERY much needed. She also described several fundraising items. One was census signs. She asked each person in the audience to please take a census sign and place it on their private property. For each sign taken, Progress & Preservation . . . Together will receive $1. For sale is ?‘This Old House Journal?’. This is a three ring binder that can become a permanent record of the history of your very own home. It is an easy to use guideline for researching the history of your house and capturing the essence of your home?’ s historical nature and value.

Annette reviewed the study boundaries and offered that if neighbors in blocks not in the study wish to be, they may contact Progress & Preservation . . . Together. If concerned neighbors want to help raise the additional monies to expand the survey, Progress & Preservation . . . Together will assist in this effort. Annette also announced several coming events: Phil Goodstein?’s annual walking tour of Washington Park, Nostalgic Homes workshop, Susan Casey?’s town meetings. She then introduced Scott Moore.

Scott Moore, an architect and a Progress & Preservation . . . Together volunteer, presented a slide show. His presentation discussed the current and future history of East Wash Park, and the people in attendance who are making that history. Mr. Moore identified features of the built environment that support the lifestyle we enjoy in East Wash Park, and he showed examples of architecture that appropriately support the neighborhood we have come to know and love. Scott had examples of how to remodel to get increased square footage while maintaining the integrity of the house and neighborhood.

At this point the large group broke into three small groups. Those interested further in the study joined Tom Simmons of Front Range Research group. Those wanting to understand historic designation joined Kathleen Brooker?’s group. Those having remodeling questions or concerns joined Scott Moore in the Progress & Preservation . . . Together group.

We regret if you could not join us for an informative and entertaining evening. If you desire a ?‘live?’ rendition, we video taped the program. That tape is now at our branch library ?–the Eugene Field Library at 810 South University. Speak to the reference librarian and ask for the Progress & Preservation Together packet which is being kept at the reference desk. Do contact us with your ideas, concerns and questions.

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