The Prospect Hill Neighborhood Association (PHNA), formerly known as the Prospect Hill Committe for Progress, was founded in 1979. PHNA has helped many in our area with issues that affect our every day living. The PHNA was very instrumental in building the Calaveras Street bridge and the Sabinas Street bridge over the Alazan Creek in San Antonio's District #1 and in obtaining traffic lights on the very busy West Commerce Street located in San Antono's District #5. Through out the years PHNA has also helped with complaints that residents had to file with the City and the County including The Bexar Appraisal District.
The Objectives of the PHNA shall be to enhance the livability of our neighborhood by working to create a safe, healty, and progressive environment by:
a.) creating an awareness to residents, landowners, businesses, onad other interested individuals, about our neighborhood issues and local topics of immediate interest;
b.) Elevating and promoting the image of the neighborhood,
c.) Establishing a direct line of communication with members of the City of San Antonio and other agencies vital to the well being of the neighborhood,
d.) Conduct social activities that create a since of neighborhood pride and accomplishment, raise and enhance property values where warranted, and encourage residents of the neighborhood to be proactive.
Our Neighborhood Association has been actively coordinating different areas within and surrounding our NA Boundaries to orgainzing residents in those areas, mostly in High Crime Activity areas. Keeping in communication with SAPD and SAFFE Units have helped clean the areas up somewhat but much more work ahead of us.