You will be happy to know that you have moved into an area noted for the caring “good neighborliness” of its residents.
Our neighborhood is committed to maintaining or improving the quality of life for
everyone that lives here.
We have banded together as a neighborhood block club with the aim of making our
neighborhood clean, quiet, safe, and friendly – the best on the east side.
We get together on a regular basis to discuss any issues that arise in the neighborhood or
to simply socialize and get to know one another better.
We know that neighbors that know one another create a safe neighborhood.
We watch for suspicious activity in the neighborhood and report it promptly to the police.
We are ready and willing to help each other out in times of need.
We care about each other’s children and work to create a safe environment for them.
We hope you will consider joining our neighborhood block club.
We need your help and we want to get to know you better.
We hope you enjoy living in your new neighborhood!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your
block club president, Michelle Cerame
(651) 774-7101 Home or (651) 245-8952 Cell Phone
The Prosperity Heights Block Club
Email us