There are ample opportunities for seniors to get in a full week of exercise JUST FOR SENIORS!
Theresa Webb, a certified physical trainer, joins us on Thursday mornings at 9:30 and Friday PMs at 1:00 for aerobics, tai chi and exercise.
The Rev. Breedy still leads us in line-dancing, a great & fun way to get exercise, evey Wednesday afternoon at 1:00.
And during the week, Exercise for Life is offered. They are lead by seniors who were trained by Madeline Pincus from the Health Promotion Unit of the Department for the Aging in the STAYWELL EXERCISE FOR LIFE Program.
So please! No excuses to get and stay fit in our senior years!
Forty or so seniors form our new WALKING CLUB--t-shirts and caps provided to the members. It's a great (and easy) way to get in that most essential ingredient for the good life--walking!
Take the opportunity to learn various exercise tips so you can help lead us in exercise. There is a lot of stretching involved in this format called "EXERCISE FOR LIFE".
This has been one of our most needed and popular way to get in some essential exercise.
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