Applied Geography 2 formerly RTC-TH Tech

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Applied Geography 2 /RTC-TH Technical Page

This is the web site archiving  lessons, technical papers, and some admin reports of Applied Geography for Sustainable Living and the Rural Training Center-Thailand (RTC-TH). Information presented here relates to Applied Geography and the RTC-TH technical and training materials and international projects.  [Monthly Update reports can be found at our main Applied Geographyb for Sustainable Living and the RTC-TH website _Geogrsaphy_formerly Rural_Training_Center-Thailand/pages.]

These materials are available for personal use or for classroom use by teachers free of charge -commercial purposes for nonprovided: 1) Applied Georaphy for Sustainable Living or the RTC-TH is appropriately given full credit for copyright ownership, and authorship; 2) the materials are used without alteration; 3) the materials are not compiled or publication or sale (directly or indirectly) or reproduced without written permission of Applied Georaphy for Sustainable Living and/or the Rural Training Center-Thailand. (Note: All copyright ownership transferred to Applied Geography for Sustainable Living.)  FFI:

Some of he major archives are briefly described below.  For a complete listing visit the Pages & Links of this website.

LAGS / ESSI / RTC-TH International Volunteer Projects

The RTC-TH began as an international volunteer project in northern Thailand under the auspices of the Los Angeles Geographical Society (which allowed the use of its name and non-profit status to raise funds for the initial project in 1999).  It was this conducted as a Earth Systems Science, Inc. international environmental volunteer project.  As the project succeeded and expanded, it was spun off as a separate entity   [Status: Currently there is no active LAGS or ESSI collaborative activities with the RTC-TH.  “New” postings to this archive may occur as past project materials are recovered and archived.  All RTC-TH operations have ceased.]

Community-based Education (Cb-E)

This teaching /  learning approach supplements traditional classroom education.  Cb-E empowers individuals and families to take an active role in their education and that of their children.  The methods involves making learning a life-long process and encourages learning by teaching back (sharing what you learned with others). [Status: The Cb-E program and activities have been transferred to Applied Geography for Sustainable living in collaboration with Sustainable Early Education Development System (S.E.E.D.S.) a 501c3 educational non-profit.]  FFI:

Applied Geography

Geography is the core foundation for the RTC-TH and its diverse lessons.  Geography is not a well understood discipline.  The Geographic Systems Model is a systematic approach to seeing the world and leads to insights of the inter-relationships of natural phenomena to improve our view and appreciation of the environment. [Status: The RTC-TH Applied Geography program and activities have been transferred to Applied Geography for Sustainable living in collaboration with Sustainable Early Education Development System (S.E.E.D.S.) a 501c3 educational non-profit.]  FFI:

Emergency Preparedness (EmPrep)

The section is an application of Geography for geo-hazards perception and preparing for natural disasters.  Examples for these lessons are drawn from the local area of northern rural Thailand in the vicinity of our demonstration farm.  [Status: transferred to GECO 2016.  GECO has assumed responsibility to maintain and update the previously published RTC-TH EmComm materials.]



RTC-TH Demonstration Farm (operations ceased in 2014)

Lessons and articles on the demonstration farm to apply the King's Theory .  The key progams for this effort are  S.O.I.L (Saving Our Independent Livelihood) and P.L.A.N.T. (Personal Learning and Natural Teaching).  Many of the lessons for those programs are integrated with REEEPP (see next topic below).  It is also useful to visit the main website and look at the Index of the RTC-TH monthly update reports for more current information about the farm. [Status: RTC-TH operations ceased 2014.  The farm operations reverted to the original owners.  No other information available.]

RTC-TH Rural Environmental Education Enhancement Pilot Program at Na Fa Elementary School (REEEPP) (operations ceased 2014)

The Rural Environmental Education Enhancement Pilot Project at Na Fa Elementary School lessons are on file here.  They are available for free use provided the RTC-TH is properly credited for their authorship, the lessons are used as is with no alteration, and they are not reproduced and sold for profit or cost recovery without written permission from the RTC-TH.  [Status: Operations officially discontinued.  However, similar lessons will be made by Applied Geography for Sustainable zliving and published in collaboration with Sustainable Early Education Development System (S.E.E.D.S.) a 501c3 educational non-profit.]  FFI:

 RTC-TH EmComm / EmPrep / GERC-AI (now conducted as Grassroots Emergency Communications Operations; GECO)

The RTC-TH Emergency Communications (EmComm), Emergency Preparation (EmPrep), and the Glendora Emergency Response Communication-Auxiliary International files are archived here.  [Status: New start up activity for 2010; transferred to GECO 2016.  GECO has assumed responsibility to maintain and update the previously published RTC-TH EmComm materials.]



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