The Three Gorges China summer 2002 trip as the topic for the free public lecture at the LAGS Annual Banquet.
Kris Jones, LAGS President, took the lead to organize the multi-speaker presentation to the group. Vickie Drake took the lead with a brief GPS perspective of the trip. Tom Sheehan followed with a "non-geographer's" perspective. Diana Sinton presented a "geographer's" view of concerns of the effect of the new Three Gorges Dam on the lives of people in the areas visited by the group. Kris wrapped up the presentation with a musical slide presentation of assorted trip scenes.
I was personally gratified to notice that a fair number (nearly 1/4-1/3) of the people attending the banquet had made at least one LAGS international trip with me over the past few years. International travel is certainly a special type of education. When organizing these trips, the goal was to keep the prices affordable, especially for students.