Remington HOA

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Lost Cat

She is a calico cat, declawed on all four paws. She has a brown tail with a tan tip. more
Started: June 30th 2018Replies: 0

Lost Puppy - Apricot brown color

We are the Carters. We recently moved to the Reemington neighborhood and while moving in our little shi-pooh puppy slipped away. Her name is Precious. She weighs about 11 lbs and is apricot brownish... more
Started: June 25th 2016Replies: 0

Oklahoma Natural Gas AMR Device

Tired of bent fence poles from the gas meter reader gaining access to your yard ? Call Oklahoma Natural Gas and request an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) device. Once the device is installed, it... more
Started: October 7th 2014Replies: 0

Remington HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Home for Sale - How to Buy a HUD Home
Familyhome120 Almost anyone can buy a FHA foreclosed home, offered by HUD, and usually get a good bargain. What Is a HUD Home? Let's say someone has bought a residential home with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)...
Tags: HUD HomeMortgageHomeowner

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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What is a Credit Score?
Creditscorethumbl Whenever you need to borrow money a lender will first check your credit, or more accurately, your credit score. Your credit score is based on the information in your credit report and it measures the...
Effective HOA Communications
Blocparty_th Effective communication helps to establish harmony in the community. The more effective the communication, the more successful will be the management of the association. A difficult aspect of communications is ...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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