Hey Steven,
This is Karen North the past President of the HOA....I along with Laurie Wismer are now doing the newletter for the neighborhood. The next one will come out the middle of October and will have the Annual Meeting information included. Anything else that you would like to see included please let us know. Since the September newsletter was distributed, people have complained that it is a waste of money and also critizied the content.....This is what the Board is always up against.
I would love it if you could take over the web site...This would be a positive thing for the neighborhood. Let me know if this is possible.
Karen, First I would like to just say thank you. Anytime someone from the HOA (past or present) post a reply it is a great sign. I am sure that those same people that are complaining are also not giving solution as to how to get info to the community. I propose that the HOA do a survey to see who would like to receive a hard copy of the Chase Report. I for one am happy reading it on-line. this saves money and teh environment. I would also recommend that the HOA advertise this site more. I only found it from searching, how many other residents do not know we have it. that being said though, someone from the HOA should address the issue that come up on the post. I am more than willing to do whatever I can. I was finally given admin rights to the site so I can post the Chase Report and links. I however, do not currently have a good contact with the HOA members, so I can only give my option as to what should be happening. Ideas for the Chase Report Things I would like to see: 1. Things that are happening in the area, for example, Greer on Friday nights was doing an "American Idol" thing. Then they would have a local band play. I would have gone had I known. 2. things that the HOA has planed for the next month. 3. Things the HOA has done. 4. Give the residents an opportunity to write complaints about things and then have the HOA's solution. I am sure the Board received the same complaints multiplies times. 5. List things that the schools are doing. Put in when the different sports have home games, (football, soccer...). I know that Woodland has a fall festival coming up. The high school just had a band fund raiser. things like that. 6. There are so many people from different areas, give ideas of places to go and see. the spot or place of the month. then ask for responses from the people that went there.
Any thing that gets the community involved.
I hope this helps,
Responding to Karen, I am having trouble figuring out what content from the newsletter was criticized. I for one am happy to see that the by-laws are going to be enforced (especially for some of the very un-kept yards), that children are asked to respect property, and that neighbors are asked to watch out for suspicious behavior. |
Karen or Laurie we are 19 Days from the anuual HOA meeting. When will the new Chase Report go out letting everyone know about the meeting?
I was told that the biggest problem is that people do not go to the meetings, Yet other than the 10 or so that look at this site, they do not know the meeting is 11-11. If you need me to post it on the web I can, just send me the file mijackdad@yahoo.com. Steven