The Rollingwood Neighborhood Association has been in existence for more than 30 years. We have 674 homes in our area with minimal voluntary yearly dues. In 2008 the Board decided to beautify the neighborhood Park located on Harvard Avenue. We were able to get the City to put up a privacy fence and remove a large dying tree. We also removed an old rusty trash barrel, a very heavy picnic table, and a really dirty old grill to make way for enhancing the area. We have a boy scout, Jake Sutton who is working on his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project donate his time and talents to draw up the plans and work with Precure Landscaping and Dolese to secure the necessary materials to do the work (he was able to get Dolese to donate the cement!). We had individuals in the neighborhood donate a major portion of the money (separate from our dues) for the Park Project to buy trees and plants for the flowerbeds.