Rowley Downs Homeowners Association


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FHA Streamline Refinance FAQ
Housequestionsm This FAQ will answer your questions about the FHA Streamline Refinance program which was created by the FHA to make it quick and easy to refinance your existing FHA loan. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage

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Bone Happy Halloween

Did you know that 81% of teen girls and 48% of teen boys fail to get their daily intake of calcium? Thanks to   crazy fad diets, a preoccupation with extreme thinness, fast food, junk... more
Started: October 24th 2013Replies: 0

Douglas County Scrapbooking Group

Douglas County Scrapbooking Group for scrapbooking, card making, paper beading, any type of paper craft. Free Crops to work on our projects First Friday of every month (beginning April 1, 2011) 5:00... more
Started: March 14th 2011Replies: 0

Found Dog near Jordan and Mainstreet

We found a dog earlier today (12/17/08 around 5pm) on Jordan road right before the intersection with Mainstreet. Parker Police (Animal Control) has already picked... more
Started: December 17th 2008Replies: 0
Resource Guide
Open Unused Credit Cards - Close Them or Use Them?
Creditcard120Is that inactive credit card hurting your credit? Will the credit card company close your account?
Association Consistency � Key To Success
ConsistencyiskeythumbPerhaps the most frustrating thing for a customer is inconsistent service.
Creating Association Committees
Committee1_thHow to create a committee to do its job effectively.
Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
Areyouready_010_thHow to prepare a disaster supply kit for your home, office, and car.


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