SHARE was founded in 1983 by Deacon Carl Shelton of San Diego, California. Its mission has always been to provide people with an avenue to escape hunger. SHARE stands for Self Help And Resource Exchange. Its vision is the realization that hunger exists needlessly in our society, and that people are their own best resource.
With this objective, SHARE has distributed millions of pounds of food. As World SHARE, it has expanded its assistance to Mexico and Central America. In hundreds of communities, it provides basic, consistent, affordable, supplemental, nutritional food on a monthly basis to people willing to help themselves and others.
SHARE is not a charity, or a government program. It is a partnership of the entire community. It promotes human self-respect and dignity by putting to use all that people have to offer in terms of time, talents, money, goods and services.
SHARE is a source of renewal and sharing for people of all faiths. SHARE begins with the belief that we are all children of God, and that each person has something unique to offer one another. Everyone is welcome, whether by working at a host site, or by helping to reach out to needy members of the community.
Just call 309-637-0282 or 1-800-637-5508.