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Scardale civic association

I think it is time to dismantle this civic association. They don't get the people that put trash out a day or two after heavy trash comes and it is the same people doing it month after month, mayb... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 7

Amplified Noise Ordinance

A person may not make noise or use sound equipment in public between 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or operate sound equipment in a vehicle audible or causing a vibration 30 feet from the equipment. A... more
Started: November 12th 2006Replies: 43

Disappearing Squirrels

We live on Mobud and have always enjoyed the squirrels. We have 3 squirrel feeders which we keep filled with sunflower seeds. Within the past 2 weeks, every squirrel has disappeared. Every morning I... more
Started: August 17th 2006Replies: 8

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First Time Home Buyer Financial Assistance
Familysm This is the second in a series of articles for first-time home buyers. This article discusses the exceptional opportunities that exist for financial assistance for First-Time Home Buyers. First Time Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Should You Invest In An ETF?
Marketssm ETFs have become popular investment options since they become available in the U.S. in 1993. Learn if ETFs are right for your investment portfolio. An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund that is ...
Holiday Decorations And HOAS
Holidaydecorationssm Does your homeowners association have a policy on holiday decorations? Should it? Americans love to show their holiday spirit. From flying flags on Independence Day to spooky set-ups for Halloween to...
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