We all know the senseless and needless loss of life, theft and robberies that are perpetuating themselves in our community through the violent acts of criminals. "Stop the Violence Now," A Communmity Advocacy," is here for you, the business owner, as well as the community, to curtail as much of this unwanted behavior as possible.
One of our goals is to educate, motivate and enpower this community against the violence. Part of our strategy is to arouse, and encourage the decent citizens in our community to take a stand against the violence. as perhaps we may shame ot those who desire to commit the violence.
It is against our policy to ever initiate a coversation with anyone while on private property. We request permission from the property owners to diplay our positive non-violent content, which consist of speeches by Dr. M.L. King, bible reading, and anti-violent music. Total time for presentation is 30 minutes.
We do take orders for Anti-Violent T-shirts. We have other information about stopping the violence.