South Country Estates HOA

Our Information

SCE HOA Contacts


Looking to resurrect the HOA (Feb 27, 2013)

Dear HOA Homeowner:

          Scott Rule, Rachel Brewer and I have been discussing how to reconstitute South Country Estates HOA. At this time we have only one officer who has been elected, and we have no directors. The HOA has been inactive since 2007. Recently there has been some criminal activity in our area, and we are planning to activate the HOA and start an Alert Neighbors Program.

         We would like to have a meeting with as many owners as possible attending. At the meeting we plan to do a few things:

                 1.    Have an Alert Neighbors presentation by local law

enforcement personnel.

                 2.    Elect four (4) directors who will serve until the

Annual Meeting in September. These directors will direct organizing activities

                         and appoint a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary as well as any other officers. All shall serve

until the Annual                             Meeting in September.

                 3.    Discuss creating twelve (12) areas in South

Country Estates and appoint an Alert Neighbors Block Captain for each area.

                 4.    Discuss member ideas concerning what this HOA

could be doing in the future, including having communication links with

                         other businesses and groups in this area.


         We are asking that owners let us know as soon as possible there

choices of a convenient time to conduct this meeting. We could easily  

meeting on a week night between 6:30 and 8:00 of one a Saturday morning around 9:00 or 9:30. We need to set a time in order to schedule local law enforcement officials to present a program.

         Please respond to this email and let us know your preference for a meeting time. Depending on the attendance we will probably meet at Southern Nazarene University or Rachel Brewer's office, both located in the Spirit Center area. If you have any questions please call Tom Weeks at 918-798-4499.


(de facto HOA President) Scott Rule (2011)
Home: 369-3786

Unfortunately we have not had an active HOA for a couple of years, however I am the "last man standing" so-to-speak.  There are still some great neighbors who are always willing to help (The Ravens come to my mind) and I have collected a list of names of people who have volunteered to help BUT I have probably dropped the ball in this area.  To make a long story short, I have been involved in the SCE HOA since a few years after moving here in 1995, I started out on a park committee (as a matter of fact I installed the swing set seats that are currently in the park now, as it was too much trouble to ask the city for $$$$ so the HOA did this), I then became in charge of a HOA newsletter...then VP...then Pres...then VP again and when the President at that time moved out of the neighborhood I became the Pres again!  When this happened I was trying to get away from it as I felt that I had spent enough time in it and was not interested, I was travelling alot with my job, my kids had gotten older and I had enough.  After many unsuccessful attempts to "pass the tourch" the HOA went dormant.  At some point in time this will probably change again and when this time comes, there are some funds to work with!


This is left so you can see how things were at one time.

SCE HOA Contacts (2006-2007)

Please feel free to contact one of these officers or committee members if you have questions, ideas, suggestions related to our neighborhood. We can also use volunteers to help with the open positions of several of our committees! It is the intent of all members of the HOA to serve our great neighborhood and its residents.
(You can also send email to

(President) Rob Coulter
Home: 369-4577

(Vice-President) Scott Rule - Became president (Again) when Rob moved
Home: 369-3786

(Treasurer) Marilyn Miller
Home: 369-2173

(Secretary & Fellowship Comm) Michele Coulter
Home: 369-4577

(Fellowship) Debbie Rule
Home: 369-3786

(Retirement) Charlene & Glen Ravens
Home: 369-0339

(Newsletter) Tami McInnis
Home: 369-6346

(Welcome Committee) Jane Savastano

(Advertising Committee) Open Position

(Neighborhood Watch) Open Position

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