South Fork

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Snake in my attic!

I had a big black snake in my attic! Was able to locate a Mt. Juliet company to come remove it. If you have a wildlife problem, call them! Can't say enough good things about them! The owner is Danny... more
Started: May 6th 2018Replies: 0

out of curiosity, how many people use this site

Started: April 20th 2012Replies: 0

Babysitter wanted

I am looking for a babysitter for a 3 month old for 1-3 partial days a week. If you or someone you know might be available call Mandie at 423-413-6174.  more
Started: December 12th 2011Replies: 0

South Fork Real Estate and Home Values

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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosurethumb In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How to Run A Background Check
Backchecksm Information can be found online for free, or for a small cost, when running a background check. Whether you’re hiring an accountant for your business or a nanny for your child, you may at some point...
Assessment Delinquency Rates
Delinquencyratesthumb Managers are beginning to see more associations with delinquency rates approaching 20%. The perceptive managers are initiating conversations with their boards to direct focus on the effects of increasing...
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