San Ignacio Homeowners Assoc

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property management professional

Hi Guys! Are you looking for a property management company in San Jose? A To B Property Managment: a trusted brand and industry-leading rental manager. They manage sigle family homes and luxury... more
Started: September 14th 2021Replies: 0

local bookkeeper jobs

HELP WANTED We are looking for someone who wants to work part-time between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm as an Assistant Client Services Coordinator for Better Bookkeepers. Must have excellent communication... more
Started: September 14th 2021Replies: 0

san jose electrical tips

Hi all, if needing electrical work in the san jose area please visit website.   san jose electricians   landscape lighting san jose, ca     more
Started: February 15th 2011Replies: 1

San Ignacio Homeowners Assoc Real Estate and Home Values

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Should You Invest In An ETF?
Marketssm ETFs have become popular investment options since they become available in the U.S. in 1993. Learn if ETFs are right for your investment portfolio. An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund that is ...
What happens when a guest damages HOA property?
Damage Guests of a homeowner leave the water running and flood your HOA's clubhouse; maybe it was just an accident or a simple case of kids messing around. What happens now? There have been many debates in the past...
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