Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association

MINUTES - Board Meeting of February 3, 2003

Draft Minutes

Recorded by: Marilyn Wexler
Members: Barbara Archibald, Lisa Bittan, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Mike Deasy, Shirley Fischer, Quentin Fleming, Joan Graves, Babs Lebowsky, Greer Macready, Lucinda Mittleman, Jill Soffer, Marilyn Wexler, Cynthia Winter, George Wolfberg, Asta Young
Excused: Jill Baldauf, Jeannie Gold, Judy Golden, Leslie Hope
Guests: Duncan Kennedy, Monique Ford, Steve Richards
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Minutes January 6.
The minutes from January 6th were approved without corrections.
Treasurers report
Babs Lebowsky reported. $1,068.04 in checking account, $1,935.26 savings and $12,000 in certificate of deposit for a total of $15,003.30.

Committee Reports:
Canyon Service Station Property. Mike Deasy reported that there have been two offers on the property thus far.
Potential Design Overlay Issues. Jill Soffer reported. A brief questionnaire has been developed which will be included with the newsletter. Mike and Jill will write an introduction to the issues, which will be included with the questionnaire.
George Wolfberg handed out a preliminary mock-up for review and comment. Feature article will highlight Canyon development/design overlay issue. George mentioned that he had received part of Leslie Hope’s email-journal from her trip to Bagdad and will include a piece on the Iraq National Museum as an interesting topic. Lucinda Mittleman will obtain the author’s permission to use an article on the Marquez cemetery for the newsletter.
Old Business
Prop K:
George handed out a summary of the scope of work to be done. VNOC has approved about 85% of the list thus far. This list also has been posted on our web site and will be published in the Newsletter. The Bureau of Engineering is attempting to set up a meeting for the first week in March to obtain final community sign off.
Neighborhood Traffic Study Implementation:
No report.
Membership status:
Final membership number for 2003 is 325. Eight persons have paid for 2004 to date. Dues envelopes will go out with the Newsletter.
Impact of Proposed Construction at four sites on Amalfi Drive/Sumac and Sage Lanes (Report from Council office). George reported on the request he had sent to Cindy Miscikowski’s office as a result of the discussion at the January meeting. Council Deputy Monique Ford attended and gave the following report.
· 216/318 Amalfi currently have permits.
· 263 Amalfi is currently in plan check.
· 333 Sumac has no permit on record.
· 415 Upper Mesa - permit status unknown.
Ms. Ford stated that she is still researching to see what kind of processes are in place in other districts that deal with these issues. She stated that an Interim Control Ordinance is an option that could be put into place with temporary restrictions. She is also looking into the issue of idling diesel engines. The board thanked Ms. Ford for her attendance and participation
Other business.
Barbara Archibald commented on the problems with the "Smart Light" at Short Street and W. Channel. Ms. Ford said that she would look into this.
Quentin Fleming inquired as to when the trees that were destroyed on Entrada and San Lorenzo, from a traffic accident, would be replaced. The DOT will be contacted to determine status of street name sign that also was destroyed and the Council office regarding the trees.
Mike Deasy reviewed sewer problems with a house on Mesa, and the city’s responsibilities. A general discussion of water quality issues took place. The board requested that the City’s water quality expert be invited to our March meeting.
Asta Young complained about too many traffic signs in the canyon.
The board also agreed that Councilwoman Miscikowski and Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale be invited to our annual meeting which will be held on May 4.
Joan Graves announced that there would be a "Leaf Blower" meeting this Saturday morning at Mort’s.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20
NEXT MEETING – MARCH 9, 2004. [March 2, 2004 is Primary Election day]

Posted by smcca president on 03/02/2004
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