Santa Monica Canyon is located within L. A. City and is bordered by the City of Santa Monica, the ocean, Chautauqua Dr./Sunset Bl. and the Riveria CC. SMCCA was incorporated in 1946 and is one of the oldest community organizations in the state. SMCCA represents the interests of residents to all relevant governments on issues that impact the canyon and its residents. We are a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit entity and our EIN is 95-4888998.
The association is governed by a volunteer board that meets at 7:00 PM in the clubhouse at Rustic Canyon Park, 601 Latimer Road, on the second Tuesday of most months. Agendas and minutes are posted on this site. Join SMCCA ( $10/person: PO Box 3441; Santa Monica, CA 90408-3441) or join/donate at the link below. PayPal takes up to 5.2%, so if you could kick in an extra amount, also tax deductible, we would appreciate it.