Issia Brown
2901 Druid Park Dr. Suite. C-200
Baltimore MD 21215
Office: (410) 669-3200
Fax: (410) 669-3251
The Second Chance Project's mission is to work with ex-offenders to reintegrate them back into their communities as productive citizens who have something valuable to offer.
We offer 4 nine-week open-ended training modules designed to provide ex-offenders with information, employment training skills, and employment opportunities.
What we do not offer is a free ride. We believe ''to whom much is given, much is expected.''
SCP main purpose is to prepare formerly incarcerated men and women, age 18 and above, for crime-free employment, community living and family-life
Public Safety is an issue affecting the revitalization of Baltimore City. Research shows that over 65% of all crimes are committed by former offenders, which are unemployed, semi-illiterate, chemical substance abusers, psychologically damaged, and homeless. SCP was designed to assist and target newly released, paroled, and probationed men and women, age 18 years and older, from Maryland?’s Criminal Justice System and correctional facilities. We view the creation of job readiness and socialization skills as instrumental in the reduction of recidivism, criminal behaviors, illicit chemical and alcohol abuse, and dysfunctional family relations. Second Chance Project services include, but are not limited to the following areas:
Inter-Personal Skills Development
Stress Management
Academic Remedial Skills
Computer and Internet Usage Support Groups & Counseling
Peer Support
Employment Maintenance
24-Hour Emergency Helpline
Intensive (18 mos.)Follow-up Services