Please contact Pastor Luther for additional information or to arrange a personal meeting
Pastor Luther Sturtevant
Home: 503-913-7123
Office: 503-913-7123
Located at the corner of SE 15th and Tacoma, Sellwood United Methodist Church is the oldest continuing church in the Sellwood area. It continues to serve the neighborhood and larger community. Join us for worship on Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 am.
The United Methodist Women meet with a soup lunch at noon on the 4th Thursday of each month and the United Methodist Men meet for breakfast on the last Saturday of each month.
Included in the ministry of the church is a new gallery of art. Our first exhibit will open on the evening of September 16 and will feature glass works by Lynda Sprecher and a variety of works by Lynn-Marie Kara.
Refreshments will be available on opening night and weekends.
During September, as a part of the Crosscurrents Gallery, you are invited to join in the conversation regarding the hot topic of the day. Nothing is off limits and free coffee (fair traded)will be available. Cookies(or other pastries)will also be available. Sundays, September 19 & 26, 3:00 to 6:00.