Neighbors have asked what are the City's rules on high grass and weeds in our area and who do we call if we have a problem. Here is Title 7, Health Code, Chapter 725 WEEDS AND SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT, specifically 725.06 Weeds, grass and rank growth.
(A) No property owner shall negligently suffer to grow upon the pavements or in the gutters or upon the dedicated portion of the street or alley abutting their property any thistles, burdock, jimson weed, ragweed, milkweed, mullein, poison ivy, poison oak, grass or other weeds of rank growth.
(B) Upon any violation of division (A), the health commissioner may, after due notice has been served upon the property holder pursuant to C.C. 725.04, and the same not having been responded to, proceed to free such pavement, gutter, or dedicated portion of the street from weeds, grass and growths, and report the cost thereof to city council which shall assess the cost of the same against such property pursuant to C.C. 725.05(B).
(C) No person shall as owner or agent of vacant lots, commons, or other unoccupied property, negligently permit to grow thereon any thistles, burdocks, jimson weeds, ragweed, milkweed, mullein, poison ivy, poison oak, grass, or other weeds of rank growth, exceeding twelve (12) inches in height.
(D) Whoever violates division (A) or (C) of this section is guilty of permitting weeds, grass and rank growth, a misdemeanor of the third degree. (Ord. 1816-96)
Who to call? Call 645-7417, the City Health Dept. or enviromental complaints at 645-8191.
Association is in North Columbus and has approximately 1700 homes within its boundaries. Per our Constitution "The Association shall be organized as a not for profit corporation and operated exclusively for the civic betterment of our geographical area."
Every Spring a membership drive is initiatied by the officers and trustees in order to continue neighborhood events such as the 4th of July Parade, Easter Egg Hunt, Luminaria and Santa Visits. Membership if $12.00 per year with Seniors being given a discount of $2.00 or only $8.00 per year. Contact John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417 for additional information on membership or fill out the Membership Form mail it with your Dues to the Address on the form.
If Northland were a city, it would be the 9th largest city in Ohio. In 1998 the population estimate of the area was approximately 83,000. Much of Northland as developed in a twenty-year period (1960-1980). The average annual household income is about $47,000. In 1990 about 46% of the population rented their homes, while 54% were homeowners. Daily traffic counts on SR 161 and Cleveland Ave. exceed 35,000 vehicles. *Sources: 1990 US Census. 1997 National Decision Equifax are profile report (Lormes & Belfrage