Shepherd Park Terrace Civic Club

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Shepherd Park Terrace

A great community nestled in the piney woods of northwest Houston. We are neighborhood-proud!

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Civic Club area

I need to know if the 2618 Carver Street Houston TX 77091 address is within the Yorkdale/White Oak Terrace Civic Club or any other Civic Club's territory. Can anyone help me? more
Started: July 10th 2020Replies: 0

Howard Eugene Smith, Sr.-Funeral-McDuffie's...

Started: March 2nd 2017Replies: 0

Scardale civic association

I think it is time to dismantle this civic association. They don't get the people that put trash out a day or two after heavy trash comes and it is the same people doing it month after month, mayb... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 7

Shepherd Park Terrace Civic Club Real Estate and Home Values

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Reverse mortgage: the pros and cons
Fhahomesm Reverse mortgages can offer extra cash for seniors, but there are drawbacks. Learn what you should take into consideration before taking out a reverse mortgage. Seniors are feeling just as cash-strapped as...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Prepare Your Family For An Emergency...
Clipboardsm Learn what steps you can take to prepare yourself, your family and your home for an emergency situation. If a natural or manmade disaster hit your neighborhood, will your home be ready? How about your family? ...
How To Collect Delinquent HOA Dues and Fees
Duessm Learn simple, effective and low-cost ways to collect past-due homeowners association fees. If you own property that is managed by a homeowners association, then you know the importance of the fees that are...
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