Our beautiful neigborhood was established in 1948 when the Kupperian family sold part of their land off for residential development. The neighborhood is made up of 128 parcels, and each property owns an equal share of the community park along Shipley Road. Our residents include some of the original owners as well as young families and couples looking to settle in an area that is closely located to a variety of major roads (I-95, Rt-3, Rt-202), shopping centers as well as parks and recreational areas. We are closely located to Bellevue State Park, Rockwood Museum, Rock Manor Golf Course and Talley-Day Park. We are fortunate to be connected to other quiet and green neighborhoods that allow residents to peacefully run, walk and cycle in the area.
Shipley Heights Associates is a non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian organization, that was incorporated in 1951. The association comprises of 128 parcels that belong to the neighborhood of Shipley Heights. Annual membership dues are $45 and due by January 31 each year. The dues cover the cost for electric bills for street lighting, snow removal, the maintenance of the community park and social events. The affairs of the Association are managed by a Board of up to eight Directors. The Board meets once a month and members are welcome to join. For details please email us at board@shipleyheights.org.
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