Sligo - Branview Community Assn.

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Neighbor attacked on Melbourne AVenue

Started: July 12th 2014Replies: 1

Lost PUP

On May 11th, 2017 approximately around 8:30pm.  My sisters dog escape our backyard. My sister and her dog were visiting us. Mia (the pup) does not know the area. She is small black... more
Started: May 11th 2017Replies: 0


Anyone knows people that would help out in shoveling snow -- will be paid more
Started: January 21st 2016Replies: 0

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Clear The Clutter: Organze Your Financial Records...
Organizesm Learn how to organize your financial documents and clear your paperwork clutter. Organizing your financial documents doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, the simpler your system the more likely...
Board Meetings for Every Situation
Cknameeting_th At first glance, it seems so obvious how a Board meeting should be conducted. However, as a Board member, unusual circumstances can throw an entire board into a loop. Take the time to put some measures into...
Tags: AssociationBoardMeetings
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