Smith's Farm at West Ox


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$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...

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Charles Chesnutt, a long-time resident of Hollin Hall, is in urgent need of a living kidney donor, Type A or O.  He is in end stage kidney failure, and has been approved at Medstar Georgetown... more
Started: August 23rd 2019Replies: 0

Assistance with OOma phone hook up

Does anyone have a good tech person that could help me hook up an Ooma phone system?  In Alexandria VA areas- open to having teenagers assist.  Not sure I have right cables, etc. ... more
Started: July 18th 2018Replies: 0

Fort Washington Amateur Radio Club

The Fort Washington Amateur Radio Club started on 10 September 2013 with 4 Amateur Radio Operators in Fort Washington. We are now at 17 members. We enjoy the hobby outdoors and in. We meet at the Fort... more
Started: November 19th 2014Replies: 0
Resource Guide
Risk Management Through Property Inspection
InspectpropertythumbCommunity Managers should develop a detailed site inspection chart for risk management
Project Safe Neighborhoods
GunsafteythumbProject Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a nationwide commitment to reducing gun crime
Protecting Your Home From Burglars-Some Tips
April203_thBest methods of protecting your home from burglars in various situations and scenarios.
Directors, Officers and Conflicts of Interest
Conflictinterest1_thA discussion of conflicts of interest, potential and actual, and and how to handle them.


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