President Dan Wentworth
Office: 502-995-7599
Vice-President Sandy Gentry
Office: 502/ 627-2713
Treasurer Ray Crider
Home: 502-368-1196
The purpose of the organization is to provide a network for the neighborhoods in the southwestern portion of Jefferson County and to promote the exchange of ideas, programs, and activities that will benefit the area, including an annual festival.
Membership shall be open to all who promote the best interest of Southwest Jefferson County and the SWF. No dues will be required for membership.
The governing body of the organization shall be the Board of Directors, which shall consist of the elected officers and a member at large.
The duties of the Board shall be:
a) To conduct business of the organization in a manner consistent with its purposes;
b) To create committees as needed, and approve their plans of work;
c) To present a report of activities past and planned at the annual meeting;
d) To appoint an auditor or an auditing committee of two (2) members at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting, to audit the treasurer?’s accounts;
e) To prepare and approve a budget at the first meeting following the annual meeting;
f) To approve all expenditures. All checks require the signature of the treasurer and either the signature of the president or vice president.