Southwest Community Festival
1. Any prospective exhibitor must complete an application and contract and submit it to the Festival Committee for approval.
2. The Festival Committee reserves the right to reject an application for booth space, with proper justification.
3. Each booth space will be no more than twelve (12) feet wide and twelve (12) feet deep.
4. The police department prohibits games of chance using cards; dice, of money for profit. The sale of fireworks and obscene materials are prohibited.
5. Any exhibitor intending to have a raffle must indicate such on their contract and must notify the Festival Committee of the winner.
6. The exhibitor shall supply his/her own cover, tables, chairs and garbage bags for their exhibit sites. Tables and chairs will not be supplied from the Sun Valley Community Center.
7. The breakdown of booths will not be before 5:00 PM. Clean-up equipment must be removed from the grounds by 7:00 PM on the day of the Festival.
8. Electricity will be provided for food booths ONLY.
9. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope when you return your application. A booth location will be mailed to you. You may set-up your booth on Friday, October 12th from 12:00am – 6:00 PM or on Saturday morning from 7:30 – 9:00 AM. “Without exception, no vehicle will be allowed up the hill in the Festival area after 9:00 am Saturday morning. Exit to the West over the bridge. Security guards will enforce this. Those not set-up will have to unload and transport from the parking area.” No late arrivals will be accepted. Friday night set-up is strongly recommended.
10. Hours for booth sales are: Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Rain or Shine. No early breakdowns allowed!
11. No alcohol allowed at the festival site. However, you may bring your own non-alcoholic refreshments. No glass bottles, please.
12. No voice enhancing devices allowed in the booths or the booths area. (Microphones, bullhorns, etc.)
13. No height extension devices allowed in the booths. (Scaffolding, ladders, etc.)
14. Exhibitors who do not comply with the above rules and regulations during the 2007 Southwest Community Festival will not be allowed to participate in future festivals.
15. Vendors selling “resale” items, non-craft items, or providing information for a For-Profit entity must register as a “Commercial & Information” booth.