Southwood Civic Assn.

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Hi, I am living at home for a semester as I prepare to transfer from Cabrini College to James Madison University. In order to stay on track and ahead of the game, I had to come home for a... more
Started: February 2nd 2009Replies: 0


Charles Chesnutt, a long-time resident of Hollin Hall, is in urgent need of a living kidney donor, Type A or O.  He is in end stage kidney failure, and has been approved at Medstar Georgetown... more
Started: August 23rd 2019Replies: 0

Assistance with OOma phone hook up

Does anyone have a good tech person that could help me hook up an Ooma phone system?  In Alexandria VA areas- open to having teenagers assist.  Not sure I have right cables, etc. ... more
Started: July 18th 2018Replies: 0

Southwood Civic Assn. Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

HAFA provides new short sale and deed-in-lieu options
Lifepreservermoneysm A new federal government program, called Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives, encourages lenders to pursue alternatives to foreclosure. Millions Facing Foreclosure No homeowner wants to face...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Small Business Loan Checklist
Handshakesm Be prepared to apply for a small business loan by using this checklist. When pursuing a loan for the start-up or growth of your small business, you should first do some research on the types of financing and...
HOA Website Can Save Money Increase Communication
Paperdollssm Communication and budgetary issues are two of the biggest challenges facing an HOA. An effective website can facilitate communication and also save an HOA money! Leverage the Power of the Internet The...
Tags: AssociationHOA
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