Spenceola Farms Comm. Assoc.

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Rental available

We have a rental available in Spenceola with 3 BR's, 2.5 baths, garage, 3 level bumpout. $1800/mo. Contact us at kgaylord1@msn.com   more
Started: December 21st 2015Replies: 0

Spenceola FArms Rental?

Greetings ~ We are having a difficult time finding a townhome rental in that area (Spenceola Farms) ...even with a realtor! If anyone knows of or has a rental available beginning in July/August,... more
Started: May 7th 2010Replies: 0

Dangerous Tree

How do I report a very dangerous tree at the top of the walking trail between Church Creek Drive and Declaration Circle?  Looks like it could fall any minute and it will probably take other trees... more
Started: June 25th 2020Replies: 0

Spenceola Farms Comm. Assoc. Real Estate and Home Values

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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How To Choose The Right Financial Advisor
Calcpensm Many of us don’t have the time or expertise to navigate through the world of investing, but how do you find the right advisor for your financial goals? Learn what to look for to choose the advisor right...
How to Tame the Unruly Meeting
Tameunrulymeetingthumb Board members and managers alike can all recall meetings that left them with churning stomachs and scratching their heads afterwards, wondering how in the world things could have gotten so out of control. The...
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