Who in this area would like to see Rocky Crossing residents govern their own by-laws and residences, and leave the rest of legacy point (houses) to govern their own by-laws? The properties of these residents are separated by atleast $50,000 in value. I for one am not comfortable with the make-up of our current board, and the legislation passed down by the current board. 4/5 of the current board members live on rocky crossing and should not need to worry about the rest of the subdivision in different types of housing.
I bet the responses to this post will be as follows:
1) Rocky Crossing residents will protest the suggestion.
2) The majority of the rest of the residences will not say a word for one of two reasons.
-1 : they agree but don't want to be associated with the statement.
-2 : they do not know or care about this website/poa happenings.

- boblaw
- Respected Neighbor
- Fayetteville, AR
- 4 Posts
Your post is somewhat confusing. What ''legislation'' has been passed down by the current board? The neighborhood is governed by Covenants that were in place before any of us lived here. My speculation about your post is that there are certain Covenants you are angry about being enforced, but that is hardly a Rocky Crossing-specific issue.
As for the makeup of the board, it is unfortunate that only one member is not a Rocky Crossing resident, but we could find only one non-Rocky Crossing resident who was willing to participate on the board at the time of the recent elections.
Either way, it would be hard to argue that the current board is only concerned with issues relevant to Rocky Crossing. Is there a concern you wish to have addressed? Let us know! That's what we're here for.

- dnorman
- Respected Neighbor
- Fayetteville, AR
- 17 Posts
Dear Anonomyous,
Our POA is a very open board and we invite discussions about our neighborhood issues. As to the board make-up, the minutes of the elections are available and were distributed in the last newsletter if you would like to review them. As for the covenants, can you elaborate on what specifically is your concern? I assure you, the POA is interested in making this a neighborhood, not just a cluster of houses and open communication is key.
Dawn Norman
I agree with the POA and the rules that they have established. I live on
Greens Chapel and I would like my property and the homes around my property to look nice for resale value. I wish we could use common courtesy (ie. not driving through yard or not playing loud music after 10 or parking on a busy corner or not mowing your yards for months at a time) These are just a few examples that seem like common sense but apparently they are not to some neighbors.
There has to be rules in place for the benefit of the whole community. This is not a college party neighborhood.
I appreciate the board.
By Cody Davis