The Community of St. George is an unincorporated geographic located in Central Broward County. The boundaries of the community are; Sunrise Boulevard to the North, Seventh Street to the South, Highway Four Forty One to the West, and Thirty First Avenue to the East. The census of 2000, indicated that the population of St. George was 2,450. The census included a population percentage of 95% who were of African origins.
The largest percentage of people of African origins were African Americans, followed by Jamaicans, Haitians, and Bahamians. The census also indicated that the population of White Anglo Americans was 1%. The Hispanic population was 4%. Historically, St. George was, and is a unique community. The name St. George, was derived from the name of the Catholic Church, which has served the Community for more than Forty Years.
White, Black, and Hispanic Catholics continue to worship at this church. Secondly, St. George is one of the oldest integrated communities in Broward County. The quiet and peaceful integration of St. George took place in August of 1966, when the first two African American families moved into the community.