
Our Information

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets 8 times per year (minimum of 2 times per quarter) to consider issues which directly affect the Starmount community and plan activities for the various committees.

The Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six directors. The membership may also elect one or more non-voting honorary directors at the annual meeting in January. The President of the Association is required to have served on the Board of Directors at least one year before being nominated.

Officers elected in January will serve until the election the following January. Directors are elected to a three-year term unless other term openings are available due to resignation of a director before his/her term expires. If a director resign during the year, the Board will appoint someone as director, who will then serve until the following January. They may then be entered on the ballot for election the coming year(if they desire to continue to serve).

Since a quorum of 2/3 of the officers and directors (the President does not vote unless a tie-breaker vote is needed) is required to conduct official Board business, a commitment to regular meeting attendance is essential for anyone desiring to serve on the board.

All the board members must be current dues paying members of the Starmount Neighborhood Association.

If you are currently a member or have recently joined the organization and are interested in serving on the board please send email to one of the board members listed on this website indicating your interest.


We currently have 6 different committees which offer opportunities for residents to serve in various areas of interest. Those committees are: Property Improvement, Beautification, Membership Promotion, Crime Watch, Social Events, and Starmount News. You may check out the activities and interests of each committee by clicking on that committee's web page on this site.

Special Thanks!!!!

We extend Special Thanks to every resident who takes good care of their houses and yards by keeping the structure maintained, mowing regularly, raking leaves, keeping their curb areas free of debris, cleaning out gutters and picking up litter in an around your immediate area.

We also extend Special Thanks to everyone who helps to keep the four medians in our neighborhood clear of debris and litter and does not drive over the medians, leaving ruts and tearing up the plants and flowers.

Email us

New Starmount WEBSITE!!!

Starmount Neiborhood Website


About our association


Incorporated on June 22, 1984





The name of the organization shall be the Starmount Neighborhood Association, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina.



The objectives of the organization are and shall be:

1. To promote the architectural heritage of, as well as other features
affecting the lives of residents of the Starmount community by
encouraging renovation of existing structures where possible,
promoting a compatible blending of old and new residences and
businesses through community involvement in planning, zoning
and other issues which may affect the community. To develop a
pool of leadership and broad understanding of the factors
that influence the quality of life in the community.

2. To establish specific goals, backed by planning, legal advice and
other professional opinions in order to promote the cause of
neighborhood involvement in city and county planning.

3. To develop full utilization of talent and manpower within the
neighborhood and to forge a sense of community.

4. To promote the Starmount community and its resources
and advantages to interested persons and groups and the
public at large.

5. To provide a communications base for meaningful discussions of
issues pertinent to the community.

6. To promote and provide a basis for making known to interested
parties, community members’ views on issues of any nature.

7. To encourage and promote a closer association of business firms,
residents, and interested parties for the general welfare and progress
of the Starmount community and surrounding areas of the city.

8. To promote the development of recreational, cultural and educational
programs and facilities in the Starmount community and surrounding
areas of Charlotte, North Carolina, and to make donations for the
public welfare, or for religious, charitable, scientific or educational
purposes, but not to or for the use of any political party, or for any
partisan political activity.

9. The purpose for which the Corporation is organized is exclusively
charitable, and educational, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Notwithstanding
any other provision of these Articles, this Corporation will not carry
on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) a
Corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any other corresponding
provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law. In the
event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization will be
turned over to one or more organizations described in sections
501(c)(3) and 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the
corresponding sections of any prior or future law, or to the Federal,
State, or local government for exclusive public purpose.


Section 1. The membership of the Association shall be limited to adult residents of the Starmount community (community described in Appendix A) who have completed the Membership application, and paid such dues as have been prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Association.

In addition, the membership of the Association shall consist of such
businesses, churches, associations, or other organizations which may
be accepted for membership by the Board of Directors; provided that
all such businesses, churches, associations and organizations shall have
only one designated representative to act and vote on their behalf.

Section 2. Each member shall be entitled to one vote at any member-
ship meeting.

Section 3. Term of membership commences on January 1 or the date
of dues receipt by the Association’s Treasurer, whichever date shall
occur first in each calendar year. It shall expire on December 31 of
the same calendar year. Voting privileges shall be extended beyond
December 31 for any paid member until that member’s following
year’s dues are received, but, in no case, shall such extension go beyond
January 31 of the following year.



The annual dues shall be as designated by the Board of Directors,
due by January 1, and payable with the membership application.
Initial dues for new residents shall be pro-rated on a semi-annual



Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be: a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the membership at an annual meeting or a properly called special meeting, and shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are duly elected. The President shall have served on the Board of Directors for at least one (1) year before assuming the office of the presidency.

Section 2. Compensation, if any, for officers shall be approved by a
majority of the Board of Directors at a properly called meeting, and
by a majority of the membership present at any regularly or
specifically called meeting.

Section 3. Vacancies for any office which occur between annual
elections shall be filled by a majority vote at a properly called meeting
of the Board of Directors at which two-thirds of the directors and
officers are present.



Section 1. The Association shall have six (6) members of the Association serving on the Board of Directors, serving without compensation. Vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired terms of members, who have resigned or have otherwise become disqualified to serve.
In addition to the above directors, the elected officers shall also be
Directors ex officio.
At each annual meeting, the Association shall elect two (2) directors,
who shall serve for three (3) years, or until their successors are elected
and installed.

Section 2. The Association may also elect annually one or more
Honorary Directors, who shall act with the Board of Directors in
an advisory capacity, but shall have no vote, nor receive any

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of two (2) meetings per quarter, at such time and place as the Board may establish. Notice of such scheduled meetings needs to be given to individual directors by the secretary five days in advance. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the President or upon written request of 1/3 of the directors; such request stating the purpose of the meeting and delivered to the President or to his representative at least seven (7) days prior to such meeting. Notice of such special meeting stating the specific purpose for such meeting, shall be given to the officers, and directors at least five (5) days prior to such meeting time.

Section 4. Except as otherwise herein specifically provided, a quorum
for any directors meeting shall consist of 2/3 of the active directors, including elected officers.

Section 5. The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, at a regular or
special meeting at which a quorum of two thirds of the officers and
directors are present, change the election procedure. No change may be
made which would not maintain a “one-member-one-vote” rule.



Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the
Board of Directors and at all meetings of the membership. The
President, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, shall
have authority to appoint such standing and special committees as he
may deem proper, and shall define the powers and duties of all
committees, appoint committee chairmen, and fix the period of
existence of each during his administration. If, after each director and
officer (except the President), present at any director’s meeting has cast
his vote on a question, a tie vote is recorded, then the President may cast
a vote to break the deadlock. The President shall at the regularly
scheduled directors’ meeting succeeding, report any action taken or
opinion given by him in his capacity as Association President. In addition to powers and duties specifically set forth herein, the President shall have such powers as are ordinarily incumbent upon the chief officer, including those established by statute, except where specifically limited herein.

Section 2. Vice-President: In the absence or inability of the President,
the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers
ordinarily delegated to the President in descending order. In addition,
the President may delegate to the Vice-President such of his powers as
he sees fit during his administration.

Section 3. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep and maintain all
records of monies collected and disbursed, in the form and manner
approved by the Board of Directors. He shall generally perform such
duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a Treasurer. He shall present
a written financial report at each regularly called Directors’ meeting
and shall present a written financial report at the annual membership
meeting. He shall have the financial books reviewed by a member of
the Association, who is not on the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep and maintain the
minutes of all directors’ meetings and membership meetings, all
records of membership and attendance and shall conduct such
correspondence as may be required by the President and the Board
of Directors. He shall also have charge of the corporate seal and shall
sign with any other officer such instruments as require his signature.
The Secretary shall be responsible for notice of any directors’ meeting
or membership meeting.

Section 5. Board of Directors: The business of the Association shall be
conducted by the Board of Directors. It shall exercise all corporate
powers not otherwise delegated, subject only to such restrictions as may
be made by the membership. It shall determine and pass upon matters
of policy concerning the Association and may delegate the execution of
the policies and business of the Association to any officer or officers or
to any committee or committees. The Board may consider and express
an official position on issues, whether political or not, which directly
affect the Starmount community, if such issues are not to be decided by
popular vote. The Board of Directors shall consider, debate, vote on,
take a stand on, or express an opinion on an issue to be decided by
popular vote only on an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members
present at a regularly scheduled directors’ meeting. The Board shall not
endorse any candidate or political party, nor make any contributions to
a candidate or political party.
Directors shall serve on the committees of the Association and shall report committee activities to the Board of Directors whenever the committee chairman or his representative is unable to make such reports.



Section 1. Any Officer or Director who fails to perform the duties
of his office as hereinabove set forth shall be removed from office.

Section 2. Any Officer or Director who fails to attend three (3)
consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without reasonable excuse
shall be removed from office. Reasonable excuse shall be defined by
the Board or Directors.

Section 3. The procedure for removal from office will be as follows:
Majority vote of the Board at a specially called meeting at
which a quorum of two-thirds of the Directors and Officers shall be
present. A special meeting for this purpose shall be called upon the
written request to the President by twenty-five (25) Association

Section 4. The Officer or Director at issue shall be given at least five
(5) days’ written notice of such meeting and the specific facts to be
presented. In any meeting at which a vote for removal is to be taken,
the Officer or Director at issue shall have a full and adequate
opportunity to present arguments, facts, and other information to
support his position, and if not present shall be informed in writing
of the Board’s actions.



Section 1. The Annual Membership meeting of the Association will be
held in January on such date, hour and place as designated by the Board of Directors, and upon notice of ten (10) days to the members of the Association.

Section 2. Except as herein otherwise provided, special meetings of
the community may be called at any time by the Board of Directors or
upon the written request to the President of ten (10) members of the

Section 3. The Secretary shall be instructed to call such special
membership meetings by giving notice of five (5) days to the members of the Association. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than that for which the meeting is called.

Section 4. Except as herein otherwise provided, at any regular or
special meeting of the membership, the attendance of 10% of the
total membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. A majority of the members voting shall determine any
question that may come before the Association.



Section 1. Committees: There shall be such standing and special
Committees as shall be appointed by the President by virtue of powers
hereinbefore enumerated. The committees’ powers, duties, and period
of existence during his administration shall be fixed by the President
of the Association. Such powers, duties, and existence shall continue
until and unless the President shall otherwise direct. Each committee
chairman will report at directors meetings unless the President shall
otherwise direct.



Section 1. The Board of Directors shall from time to time, prescribe
such rules and regulations to be observed and adhered to by the
members, as may be deemed as advisable and for the best interest of
the Association.

Section 2. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Roberts
Rules of Order unless otherwise determined by a duly called meeting.



Section 1. These Bylaws or any part or section thereof may be altered,
amended, or repealed by the vote of the majority of the members at any
regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose.

Section 2. These Bylaws or any part or section thereof may be altered,
amended, or repealed by majority vote of the Board of Directors at a
special meeting at which two-thirds of the officers and directors are



Section 1. Proxy: No vote by proxy will be allowed for any question,
issue or candidate under any Article of these Bylaws.

Section 2. Written Ballots: The Board of Directors may establish
rules for the distribution of written ballots for any questions, issues,
or elections by either the Board or the Association membership.

Revised & Approved: Revised & Approved:
Starmount Neighborhood Association Starmount Neighborhood Association
February 1987 Board of Directors – January 2002

Starmount Committees

Social Committee - Peaches May
Beautification Committee - Eric Bryant
Membership Committee - Craig Harmon
Property Improvement Committee - Chris Tita
Starmount News Committee - Craig Harmon
Crime Watch Committee - Stephen Spyhalsky

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Mecklenburg County Board of Elections
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CharMeck 311

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