Steeplechase HOA

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FOR SALE: 3 pair of clogging shoes

Started: February 4th 2017Replies: 0

puppy found,

Started: May 11th 2011Replies: 0

Spectrum service

I have Spectrum cable for tv and over the past 4 or 5 months I've had issues where the screen freezes for a period of time or the picture and sound breaks up.  I plan to call Spectrum about this... more
Started: October 15th, 11:16 AMReplies: 0

Steeplechase HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
Houseonmoney120 If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments. Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Pros And Cons Of Owner Financing
Mcsm Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer. If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...
Six Tools for Dealing with Negative Equity
Keyinvest As a result of the recent financial turmoil, many people who bought their homes expecting the value to go up have seen exactly the opposite. What are your options for getting out of a home that’s worth...
Tags: AssociationDebtEquityFinancial
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