Strang Line

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Strang Line


Strang Line Home Page

Strang Line has their own home page with archived minutes and more information on it, please click on the link below to get to it. It will take you from this web sight to a new one.


Strang Line Home Page


About our association


Strang Line Neighborhood

The Strang Line Neighborhood is a neighborhood group formed by the City of Overland Park in 1997 to increase and support neighborhood solidarity.

The name was voted on by the neighbors within Strang Lines boundaries and the neighborhood group was formed. The area was previously known as "the Santa Fe Vista lot".

If you are a resident within the boundaries then you belong to Strang Line. No dues are paid to belong to the group, however donations are always accepted to keep the group going. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings. The more neighbors we get at the meetings the stronger our community will become.

If you are a neighbor - and would like other neighbors to get to know you, click on the link below that says "Meet Your Neighbors" And follow the directions to make your very own home page!

A link has also been added below on the links section for the Strang Line Home page. This is an additional page with more information on it.

Get on Board!

If you would be interested in becoming one of the committee members, please contact Terri Jones in the email below. We are always looking for people who want to take an active interest in their neighborhood.

Strang Line By-Laws


The name of this organization shall be known as Strang Line Neighborhood.


Officials of the City of Overland Park began a program to increase and support neighborhood solidarity. Residents of Overland Park, specifically those residing between Metcalf and Lowell and 75th and 79th, were encouraged to start such a group. From that interest, the Strang Line Neighborhood Group took form. The group unanimously passed the name on July 24, 1997

The group’s purpose has many facets. Through monthly meetings the residents will have an opportunity to meet others and share common concerns and ideas. Speakers will be available to provide information on matters of interest to the group members. Through participation residents will surely gain an increased sense of community belonging and an avenue to assist in improving the quality of life within the area. Interaction with city officials will improve communication for all involved.

As the group grows in membership and strength, community projects and activities will only help to aide in a positive and productive attitude. Such activities may include projects to improve the over-all physical appearance of the area. Fund-raising projects as well as social – oriented activities will likewise be of value to the area and its residents.


Boundaries shall be defined as follows: South: 79th Street, North: 75th Street, West: Metcalf, East: Lowell.


Section 1 Any individual residing within the stipulated physical boundaries is eligible for membership.

Section 2 Each member shall represent one vote in any election or voting.

Section 3 Residents or landowners must be eighteen (18) to be eligible to vote.


Section 1 There shall be no dues assessed to the members of the Strang Line Neighborhood.


Officers shall include a chairperson, co-chairperson and secretary/treasurer.

Section 1 The chairperson will:

a. Shall preside over supervise and conduct all the meetings and be responsible for information being presented to the group, subject to the control of the Steering Committee.
b. Shall perform all duties of the office and shall be a member of all committees.

Section 2 The co-chairperson will:
a. Act as leader in the event the chairperson is absent.
b. Shall perform all duties of the office and shall be a member of all committees.

Section 3 The secretary/treasurer will:
a. Be responsible for keeping minutes of all meetings and making then available to members, and shall submit them to the Neighborhood Preservation committee of the city of Overland Park.
b. Shall have charge and custody and be responsible of all funds of the group.
c. Shall perform duties from time to time as assigned by the chair and co chair.
d. Shall set up the checking account to be signed by 2 people, the treasurer and the chairperson.
e. Have a current copy of the by-laws and distribute them to each new officer as needed.


Section 1 Elections of officers will be held at the first general meeting of the year in January.

Section 2 A minimum of 5 members present represent a quorum. Two of three officers need to be present.

Section 3 Officers shall be nominated at the General Meeting prior to the January election.

Section 4 If one (1) candidate is nominated for an office, a show of hands will be taken. If more then one (1) candidate is nominated, a written vote will be taken and votes counted during the meeting.

Section 5 In the event of a vacancy, the chairperson may appoint a person who has agreed to fill the position.


Section 1 The officers and members shall establish committees as deemed necessary.

Section 2 The Term of office shall be one year.


Section 1 The officers, committee chairs and block representatives shall constitute the Steering
Committee and may act for the group between meetings.
Section 2 With the exception of the officers, new Steering Committee members will be appointed
by the existing Steering Committee

Section 1 The Steering committee will meet a minimum of 4 times per calendar year.

Section 2 The Chair Person may call special meetings at any time if deemed necessary.

Section 4 The meetings will be at various locations. Each meeting will be announced through mailers sent to the neighborhood.


At least 50% of the officers and committee chairs of the Steering Committee membership must be present to conduct official business. A minimum of five members must be in attendance with one of these members being the chair person or co-chair – refer to article IV.


The fiscal year of this organization shall begin Jan 1.


The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting provided two-thirds of those members in attendance approve the amendments.

These Revised bylaws were adopted on ___________

Chairperson________________________ Secretary ___________________________


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