Each year the Strang Line Neighborhood holds an area garage sale. The committee will place an ad in the local papers and send out a flyer for you to fill out. We type up a list of participating residents. Those are given to you to hand out to people who come to your sale.
Be sure to get quarters, nickels, and dollar bills in advance and keep them secure on sale day. Have something to keep the money in! A front pack works well or a small box.
Set up a “checkout” table. Have on hand paper, pen, calculator and the change.
Balloons and signs for your front yard will help people to find your sale!!
Have plastic bags, paper bags, boxes and newspaper on hand for packaging items.
Have plastic drop cloths available in case of rain.
A tap measure close by may come in handy for customers!
Stay close to small valuable items you may have for sale!
Keep your unused doors locked and watched!
Have a large selection of items. Buyers are more apt to stop and browse. Place some items near the street for good viewing.
Have all items under $1 in one area. People love inexpensive “bargains” and may spend more on a lot of small items then one large one.
Items sorted by type work best, ex: toy area, clothes area, household etc. Make signs to show what items are in each area. Display in an attractive manner and be sure merchandise is clean and neat. Presentation is important!
Position electrical items near an outlet with an extension cord for demonstration. If you are selling TV’s or radios have them turned on to motivate buyers.
Make sure all items are clearly tagged with a price! You may want to number items and list them on a ledger and cross them off when they are purchased.
Offer potential customers a free beverage such as lemonade or water. Your hospitality may make them more inclined to buy!
Remember the general rule for pricing items is mark it for 10% of what you paid for it originally. Ex: something that cost $5 originally would sell for .50 cents at a garage sale. But the pricing is up to you!
Donate leftover items to charities. Disabled veterans, blind and others usually call for pick ups or advertise larger items again.
Be prepared to BARTER!!! It’s better to come down on a price then lose the sale completely.