Stratton Hills

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Neighbors upset

We just moved into our first home last December, everything has been going well.  We love being part of the community, and are taking pride in home ownership.  Today, we received a note on... more
Started: April 9th 2019Replies: 0

Local wild life

Has anyone else seem the bucks, rabbits, fox and coyote? There seems to be an abundance this year. Last year, I saw a three-legged coyote running down the center of Lujon in the middle of the... more
Started: July 11th 2007Replies: 1


I hope someone actually sees this post. I found a kitten 11/26/07, Monday night. I can't imagine kitty being more than 1 year old. He has no collar or tags and is very friendly. If anyone knows... more
Started: November 27th 2007Replies: 0

Stratton Hills Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

How Much Mortgage Can I Afford?
Houseforsale120 A home, whether suburban house, urban condo, or rural ranch, is the largest purchase most Americans will ever make. Now that the country is starting to recover from the booming and busting of the housing...
Tags: HomeownerHomebuyer

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
For Sale By Owner: How To Sell Your Own Home
Forsalesm_th Selling your home on your own can save you thousands of dollars in commissions, but you have to be willing to put in the extra effort. Learn how to go through the “for sale by owner”...
Smart Irrigation Controllers
Smartirrigationthumb Do you know what a Smart Irrigation Controller is? No? Well, don't feel bad. Lots of people don't. A Smart Irrigation Controller can save you and your clients money with very little time and effort. Smart...
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