San Marco Drive and 12th Avenue, City of Apache Junction, Pinal County, Arizona
Topography: Land is fairly level with washes
Flooding and Drainage: Burke P. Lokey, P.E., with David Evans and Associates states in his letter dated February 10, 2000 that: This is to certify that the grading and drainage design for the SUNRISE SHADOWS residential subdivision meets the following criteria:
1. The stormwater runoff from the 10-year storm event will be contained within the roadway cross sections.
2. The stormwater runoff from the 100-year storm event will be contained within the right-of-way.
3. The minimum finish floor elevation of each lot will be free from stormwater inundation for events up to and including the 100-year high water elevation.
The site has been developed according to the City of Apache Junction's Engineering and Design Standards. The project provides the required retention and dissipates it in less than 36 hours.
The entire site is designated as Zone X on the current FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), number 0401200003C effective March 19, 1990. Zone X is defined as, Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 100-year flood.
Jeff M. Boyle, P.E., with Western Technologies, Inc. states in his letter dated November 23, 1999 that:
As you requested, Western Technologies, Inc. is presenting this summary letter regarding our original geotechnical evaluation report prepared for the subject single family residential subdivision, dated March 4, 1999. This letter is not considered a stand alone document and should not be used for the design or construction of the project. The soil conditions encountered consisted of very dense clayey sand with gravel. The native soil does not exhibit any significant expansion or collapse potential upon moisture content increases. Foundations for residential structures may consist of conventional spread footings bearing on either undistrubed native soil or properly placed and compacted engineered fill. Detailed recommendations regarding clearing and grubbing, and building pad preparation are contained in our original report and should be followed. Drainage adjacent to the structures should be positive so as not to allow ponding of water adjacent to foundations. Backfill against foundations and in utility trenches should be properly compacted as recommended in our original report. Developer advises low swell is indicated in existing material - 1.5% expansive potential indicating; negative subsidence.