1. Never leave your garage door open when unnessecary.
2. Leave a light on on the rearof your home to prevent vandalism and theft.
1. Are the locks on your most used outside doors of the cylinder, deadbolt types with which one bolts?
2. Are they of either the dead-locking or jimmy-proof type?
3.Are your doors protected from being opened by breaking out glass or a panel of light wood?
4. Can ALL of your doors be securely locked?
5. Are your locks in good repair?
6. Do you know everyone who has a key to your house?
1. Are your locks properly and securely mounted?
2. Do you keep your windows locked when they are shut?
1. Do you lock your garage door at night?
2. Do you lock your garage when you are away from home?
3. Do you lock your car and take the keys out even when it is parked in the garage?
When you go on a trip:
1. Do you arrange for the neighbors to pick up papers, mail, and packages?
2. Do you notify a neighbor?
3. Do you leave some shades up so the house does not look deserted?
4. Do you arrange to keep your lawn and garden in shape?