Highways and Biways is not a new ministry. Highways and Biways was formed in Queens New York 10 years ago. Our attention had been on the homeless and hungry back in Queens, New York. More and more families and individuals are hungry, especially in the New York City Area.

For 5 years ago, we had a street outreach on Suphin Blvd, and Jamaica Avenue Queens, New York and the Bowery in the Brooklyn Area. Back in New York God was using us heavy in street Ministry, such as preaching on the street corner, on the Trains, on the Bus, God even lead us to preach on the corners of Time Square thats when I was a member of Time Square Church-Pastor David Wilkerson, I told the Lord if I make it out of Time square alive I know for sure I am called to Evangelize and God protected me and removed from the street corners of Time Square alive. I must say Time Square was no joke. While God had me on the corners of Time Square he had my husband in the Forty Projects doing a work for Jesus. I must say 40 projects is no joke neither. Many say 40 projects is the worse projects in Queens, New York. So as you can tell God prepared us before we got here to Columbus, Ohio. Yes this is a rough ministry and a unique outreach. Many people look down upon street ministry, then I must say they are looking down on Jesus Christ because he did Evangelize the streets and Jesus do not change like some folks I know. He is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever more. We would drive to vans full of home cook meals and witness to those on the streets by passing out tracts to those on the streets. However, by God's providence, we were able to feed over 2000 people in the Bowery alone. We are priviledge to share in the feeding the multitudes, rain sleet and snow, they were able to eat 2 and 3 times.

Volunteers are needed to go out with other staff to witness to the love of Jesus, the love of the Church, and to distribute food, hot/cold drinks, and scripture tracts to those who come.

Group, families, and individuals to periodically make sandwiches or to be able to cook a hot dish

Volunteers to find bakeries, stores, etc. to donate food, paper goods, etc.

People, who can pick up and deliver food, sandwiches

We need people to donate personal hygiene items, such as; toothpaste,tampoons,diapers, etc. you get the idea

Families, groups, and individuals who can offer prayer support.

New benefactors who would want to support the added expense that this particular ministry will create for Highways and Biways Ministry


In low-come racially mixed areas of America's inner cities, Take it to the Highways and Biways ministries help meet physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the people.

In Columbus, Ohio, hundreds of young lives are being turned from violence, crime and drugs through the efforts of Take it to the Highways and Biways Ministries. Take it to the Highways and Biways ministry provided two vans full of food and clothing to people in the inner cities. God has blessed Highways and Biways and a team of dedicated Christians to put up tents in different areas in the inner cities such as; Cleveland Avenue, Livingston Avenue, Mount Vernon Avenue and Main Street. God has led us to put up tents in the roughest neighborhoods to share the love of God. With music, games and prizes, these innovated ministers get the attention of children and teens, by showing them the truth in the Bible. Instead of learning hatred, these kids are learning Bible stories about love, sharing, being unified and forgiveness. Instead of taking drugs, they are taking scriptures to their apartment, schools, work and love ones. These tent meetings are helping many fathers to go back home to their families. This is truly a rough ministry. This is why many do not go out and witness because they are afraid, but god did not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

I must thank the Pastors who helped Highways and Biways ministry make this happen. These were men and women of God who have a heart for LOST SOULS in the streets. These were season street preachers who proved themselves to be servants of God. These men and Women did not try to abort the vision but support the vision, Pastor's Black, Scales, Carter, Bowers,Radney and Bishop White.

In the last 5 years God has been really blessing Mount Vernon Avenue. For years, gang bangers, drug dealers, and violent criminals ran these streets and terrified the residents. The LORD told me any my husband Timothy to set up a tent at one of the worst intersections. We opened the tent as a safe place for people to come in and worship and fellowship with real people of God. The FIRST week we ran the tent meeting, teenage boys was riding up and down Mount Vernon, Drive by shooting. But we stayed and prayed even the more and God did not allow any one to get hurt. Matter of fact the Police came to me and my husband and said that the crime rate has went down since the tent was on Mount Vernon. We had cops and uncover cops who came to be blessed and to be a blessing. Here, people of all races and backgrounds are working together to refurbish THE Mount Vernon Area, while they study the Bible and reach out to HELP their peers. At the radical Tent Meetings, the homeless, and those who were abused sexually, mentally and physically came out, children who have not eaten, children that did not have a decent pair of shoes all were brought together EVEN the blackslidden christians lead the singing, dance and testified to the life-changing Power of Jesus Christ. Those who use to run the streets who GOD delivered and set free were able to come out and deliver a street level message of Jesus Christ and His Saving Grace. The impact on individual lives is completely changing the surrounding neighborhoods. Take it to the Highways and Biways Ministry is hooking up with street ministers in the Columbus, Ohio Area to clean up the streets one day at a time.

Take it to the Highways and Biways are dedicated street ministers who feed the hungry, clothe the naked and comfort those who are in pain. We do this because Jesus Christ put the desire in our hearts to win souls.

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