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2 Stray Dogs - Seen in open space behind Westview...

I alerted Westminster Non-Emergency PD, both were brown mid-sized and had a red device on their collars, so they are from the same household.   They were seen running in the open space through... more
Started: May 8th 2018Replies: 0

Hey, is anyone here?

Is anyone here? more
Started: June 9th 2004Replies: 4

Web Site

I am trying to get a idea of how many of the residents of Cobblestone Village have seen our web site and what they think of what they see. Please leave me a reply of send me an email with your... more
Started: September 3rd 2004Replies: 11

Tangelwood Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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FAQs About Buying HUD Homes
House_th In the current economic envirionment, there are some incredible deals on HUD homes. This article will answer all your questions on the hows and wherefores of buying a HUD home. Question 1: What is a "HUD...
Tags: HomeownerHousingFinancial

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Selling Your Home: Find The Right Real Estate Agent
Homesm These five steps will help you find the best realtor to sell your home. Your house is likely your biggest and most important asset. So when it comes time to sell, you want the best real estate agent to help...
Six Tools for Dealing with Negative Equity
Keyinvest As a result of the recent financial turmoil, many people who bought their homes expecting the value to go up have seen exactly the opposite. What are your options for getting out of a home that’s worth...
Tags: AssociationDebtEquityFinancial
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