Catherine Fulton
607 St Henry Dr
Brandon Fl 33511
Home: 813-6617535
Employees of affiliated Tower Diagnostic Centers keep each other in stiches--literally!!
This close-stiched group not only work together-they quilt together one night a week. The members are from all facets of the imaging center: mammo, ultrasound,medical records and schedualing. Through their meeting to quilt they have not only learned how to piece fabric together, but how to piece together a team. They have learned about each others jobs and responsabilites. As they stiched and pieced fabric together, they created a bond of friendship. Now they are not just co-workers, but friends.
We need someone to select a Spring/EAster block for us to work on. I have many books if you would like to give it a try
In April we will learn how to make yo yo's. This is a simple project with many uses.
All you need is fabric (duh) an old CD (aol is good ) needle and thread an fabric shears.