Rabbi William Kloner
Home: 718-858-1121
Office: 718-282-1596
Fax: 718-282-1537
Rabbinical Intern Eric Eisenkramer
Office: 718-282-1596
Fax: 718-282-1537
Vice President - Newsletter Gerard Soffian
Email: GerardSFF@aol.com
Immediate Past President Lori Pandolfo
Email: pandolfo@att.net
Executive Vice President Lynn DeNonno
Email: lyndenonno@aol.com
Religious School Chair Phyllis Schweiger
Email: 2phyllis@concentric.net
President Leo Seitelman
Temple Beth Emeth is a friendly caring community open to all who wish to practice and study Reform Judaism in Victorian Flatbush, Brooklyn.
Founded in 1911 by Hannah Hirsch and her circle of friends for the purpose of educating children in the values and ideals of Reform Judaism, Temple remains an oasis of participation at any level desired. Welcome are children of all family backgrounds who are interested in a Jewish education and learning to love Judaism through spirit and song.
Religious school meets on Saturday morning with the express purpose of enjoying a musical service together intergenerationally. Children are included in all facets of the services which helps to prepare many for B'nai Mitzvah or Confirmation if desired. Learning together to form a caring community if part and parcel to the experience.
Weekly Hebrew school for older students take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning in grade 4.
Confirmation Class meets with Rabbi on Saturday as well.
Active Youth Group, FUdJY joins with NFTY area youth groups in many social action causes and fun activities such as conclaves and shul-ins.
Provocative and engaging courses take place as a series during the year. Concerts, Shabbat Dinners, Neighborhood Welcome Socials,
Community Outreach are all interesting activities happening year-round.