The Lakes at Cedar Cove

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Speeding in Fairburn down Poplar Street

I have lived on Poplar Street for nearly a quarter of a century.  I constantly see individuals speed by going greater than the posted 30 MPH down the street.  One of these individuals that... more
Started: April 4th 2015Replies: 0

Crime In Zone 3

Please Give Your Views As to Whether or Not You Feel Safe In Your Neighborhood and Things That You Think Can Be Improved To Make Our Neighborhood Safer. Thank You. All Items Will Be Kept Confidential... more
Started: March 7th 2007Replies: 12

Smoke detectors last - 10 Years

This weekend I checked my smoke detectors and was suprised to find only one of four worked properly. Not the battery but the detectors had failed. I looked at the manufactures website and found out... more
Started: October 25th 2007Replies: 2

The Lakes at Cedar Cove Real Estate and Home Values

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What is a Reverse Mortgage?
Reversethumb Reverse mortgages are a way for seniors to get cash from their homes without having to sell them and move, or borrow against them and make monthly loan repayments. They are a great way for homeowners who are...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Be A Green HOA
Goinggreensm Learn how to make your homeowners association community more environmentally friendly. One of the most popular resolutions each year among Americans is to reduce, reuse and recycle. Is that also a resolution...
Cats and Dogs... A Manager's Tale
Dogscats_th There is an old saying that it's raining cats and dogs. Well, this saying (or so I'm told) came from days of yesteryear when roofs were made of straw and the steep angle required for good run-off brought the...
Tags: AssociationPets
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