Timberlin Parc Homeowners Association
Welcome to Timberlin Parc. We are a neighborhood of communities TimberMill, TimberJack, Spindeltree, and Deer Berry.
We only represent the residential houses of Timberlin Parc, not any area condos or apartments. We are managed by BCM Services, Inc., 920 Third Street, Suite B, Neptune Beach, FL 32266 (904) 242-0666 or 242-0670 mcoleman@bcmservices.net
Your suggestions and comments are always welcome. Please contact any of the Board members or BCM Services as the need arises.
Our Board of Directors email contacts:
For your information - - -
The Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7 PM. If you have an item that you would like to present or discuss with the Board, please submit it to BCM Services, mcoleman@bcmservices.net, by the Monday before the meeting.
Remember there are small children playing in the development, please drive with care. JSO patrols the roads frequently. Report any unusual vehicles to our neighborhood watch contact.
There is still room on the committees that provide a valuable service to our community. We encourage you to get involved.
For city-related issues call 630-CITY or
Email: mcoleman@bcmservices.net
Times Union Newspaper![565764189](http://docs.neighborhoodlink.com/photos/33628/565764189.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJODKKJAWTTFD34BQ&Expires=1739811111&Signature=2mF86SX04189p4%2FcqmSpZ56HTvc%3D)
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Jacksonville Electric Authority and Water
City of Jacksonville
Jacksonville Sheriffs Office