Pamela McKnight
1750 S 37th Court
Kansas City KS 66106
Office: (913) 262-1593
Fax: (913) 279-3428
Shawnette Mansfield
KCK Housing Authority
1124 N 9th St
Kansas City KS 66101
Office: (913) 281-3300
Fax: (913) 279-3428
Welcome to you all, the UPC is fully functional at this time. Our Board Members are as follows:
Maria Kline, President of Juniper Gardens
Jean Hall, President of Chalet Manor
Lydia Morrow, President of Scattered Sites
Shirley Barnes, President of Douglas Heights
Angie Hill, President of St. Margret's
Candace Brown, President of Bellrose Manor
Yolandra Brockman, President of Grandview Park
Pamela D. McKnight, President of Cyrus K. Holiday
UPC Officers are as follows:
Pamela D. McKnight, President
Jean Hall, Vice-President
Candace Brown, Treasurer
Yolandra Brockman, Secretary
Rochelle Bowser, Asst. Sec.
To contact any of the Officers or Board members go to
We look forward to working with the community as a whole to increase our presence in our neighborhoods. Our Mission is to empower the low to moderate income residents of HA and to assist in the uplifting of our children. We are asking to be included in a way that would prove successful in those endeavors that will be put in place as it relates to Stimulus Funds that are being earmarked to assist those within the low income guidelines.
We had a very enlightening conversation with Mayor Joe Reardon in April, also in attendance was Nathan Barnes.
The forum provided answers to questions as well as well deserved responses to the issues. Thank You to all in attendance.
Our plan is to have more ''Community Based'' conversations with those elected officials that would allow to have direct impact on our living environments as a whole. The purpose will be to improve the quality of life for those of us who live in and around Wyandotte County.
Peace to All,
Pamela D. McKnight,President, the UPC Board and Officers of KCKHA
On the third Thursday of every month you are invited to attend the meeting of the Governing Board of the KCKHA, come out and get involved in the system that dictates what goes on in your commuinity. It is past time for us a viable part of Wyandotte county to get involved and in the know, about what takes place in our homes. It takes a village to raise the children. Let your voices be heard.
We are continuing to promote and collaborate with the various organizations that bring to our communities those positive programs that enhance the quality of life of those that live within the HA communities as well as the surrounding areas. As always we encourage ideas that will present positive outcomes that assist with the uplifting of our parents, who strive on a daily basis to give our children the best start in living productive lives as possible. Those programs that focus on this idea are too numerous to list in this article, however, we would refer your interest to the HA of Kansas website at, there you will find the organizations who at this time are assisting with the various needs in our communities. The staff at KCKHA is open and willing to answer questions. The best in road to sucessfully making absolute connections to the concerns of our communities is to contact your prospective Residents Association. The RA Board can and will assist in giving needed knowledge to assist in whatever the concerns are. Rent and utilities are of great concern to most, however, we are also available to open doors to assist with job search, education, food, clothing, school supplies, after school programs, tutoring and transportation. If we have not named any of your concerns or needs still call or contact your community RA leaders, you will be pleasantly guided to what it is you have need of. Contact any staff at KCKHA to recieve the name and phone number of your particular sites Residents Association.