We would love to hear any stories or interesting facts about our neighborhood- please share!
A Neighborhood Association is a group of residents, business representatives, and other interested citizens that devote their time and energy to improve and enhance a well-defined, geographic area that they and others live. The neighborhood association meeting, like the earlier town meetings, is a place to meet neighbors, exchange ideas, prioritize projects, propose solutions, and implement plans for the neighborhood.
Most neighborhood associations are concerned with issues that affect the quality of life in the community. This can include issues such as zoning regulations or traffic improvements as well as events that strengthen neighborhoods.
Sponsoring neighborhood festivals, block parties, crime prevention activities and upgrading neighborhood parks are important projects for neighborhood associations.
Neighborhoods usually organize to:
Build a sense of community among neighbors;
Address a particular issue of the neighborhood;
Provide the neighborhood with an effective communication link with government officials and other influential groups;
Empower residents to work together in improving their neighborhood:
Organizing a neighborhood brings people together to form a collective, united voice. A well-organized group of people can be a powerful and influential force.
Our goal is to provide news and information for
and about residents, business owners, and interested parties in a vibrant part of Coralville ~
the Valley View Neighborhood